We plan and implement strategies for the controlled growth of 欧洲杯投注 County’s economy as a unified voice representing the best Tennessee has to offer businesses, citizens and travelers.

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We bring growth-oriented businesses with strong fiscal discipline, infrastructure and workforce-ready people to East Tennessee.

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We attract travelers who seek unique heritage and the best outdoor recreational experiences to 欧洲杯投注 County.

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We empower leaders, parents and students to invest in education, so they are better prepared to fulfill the workforce opportunities of 欧洲杯投注 County’s future.

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We offer natural beauty, historic charm and low-cost living, distinguishing 欧洲杯投注 County as one of the best retirement destinations in the nation.

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Welcome To

Manhattan Project National Historical Park

欧洲杯投注 County and the development of atomic energy

Innovation that Changed the World

Long before there were factories, freeways, or computers an independent people forged a civilization in this beautiful land.  Their belief in the power of an idea and the strength of human endeavor led to scientific advancement that changed and continue to change the whole world.  Here in 欧洲杯投注 County Innovation is where we begin.

Manhattan Project Park

What went on behind the scenes in K-25, Y-12 and X-10 during top-secret WWII efforts between 1942 and 1945? How did 75,000 workers populate a town overnight?  

Find out answers to these questions and more when you explore the Manhattan Project National Historical Park.   DOE Public Bus Tours are available now.

The Secret City's backstory

President Roosevelt created the Manhattan Project at the urging of Albert Einstein, who believed the Germans could use nuclear material to make "extremely powerful bombs."

Remote Oak Ridge became the military and administrative headquarters for the Manhattan Project.

The changing face of K-25

K-25 was the site of uranium technology development for the Manhattan Project. In 1943, 25,000 workers constructed the world's largest building under one roof. 

Learn more about the project's logistics and technology by visiting the K-25 Virtual Museum.